
Happily less than a blip

Criticisms of blogs have been around as long as -well- blogs. Yes, I realize I'm not putting anything new out there. I could follow some of the tips from The Washington Post on how to Be More Than a Blip in the Blogosphere, but the point of this blog for me is to have an outlet for writing and to prompt myself to play around with search strategies. Plus, I don't often get interesting reference questions, so this is my way of exploring resources on the Internet that I would not otherwise. It is more about the process of intentionally thinking about search technique than becoming Perez Hilton or Daily Kos.

According to this year's State of the Blogosphere, there are 70+ million blogs, and 120,000 created each day. That's a lot. Plus, Lord knows I've done more than my share of social networking with strangers this year, and it wasn't with librarians. Maybe next year I'll put myself out there a bit more and try to connect with colleagues across the nation, but for now, I'm happy being less than a blip.

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