
Oranges and Peaches

There's a common story told in introductory reference classes. A patron comes to the reference desk and asks for a book called "Oranges and Peaches." The librarian has never heard of the book before, but does a quick search in the catalog. Nothing. A quick search on Amazon offers some possibilities, but, no. Nothing. Rather than send the patron away, the librarian probes the patron for more information about the book.

L: Can you tell me what the book is about?
P: No idea.
L: Hmmm. How did you hear about it?
P: My professor assigned it. I have to read it for class.
L: Which class are you taking?
P: Biology.

L: Could it be Darwin's Origin of Species?

This blog is about all that stuff that is apparently common knowledge that I don't know, or managed to forget. Without fail, a new bit of 'common knowledge' presents itself to me on a daily basis. Hopefully, without huge embarrassment to myself. I expect to have frequent postings. We'll see how it goes.

Update 12/28/2007: I learned tonight that the oranges and peaches reference came from a hilarious movie called Party Girl, which I have actually seen. Parker Posey plays an eccentric young woman who starts to work as a librarian out of necessity. In one scene, a patron approaches her and asks for "Origin of Species," at which time Mary directs that patron to books about oranges and peaches. I really need to see that movie again.


Unknown said...

Lego offers a librarian and she has a book in her hand ... http://minifigures.lego.com/en-us/Bios/Librarian.aspx

Unknown said...

LEGO now offers a librarian - and she has a book in her hand, entitled ... http://minifigures.lego.com/en-us/Bios/Librarian.aspx

Unknown said...

Interestingly enough, Lego has released their Series 10 figure set with a "Librarian" character. The book she has: "Oranges and Peaches". I stumbled across your reference trying to find out why that was the book she has. Ironically enough, she even looks like Ms. Posey.

Unknown said...

Interestingly enough, Lego has released their Series 10 figure set with a "Librarian" character. The book she has: "Oranges and Peaches". I stumbled across your blog while searching for teh relevance of the title of her book. Ironically, she looks like Ms. Posey as well!

Keck-Young said...

I was looking for the book "oranges and peaches" because it is the book the new Librarian Lego minifigure (in series 10) is carrying. I came across your blog and a WorldCat record for a book by the same name. _Oranges and Peaches_ by Richard L. Horner. Its subtitle is _or Why Evolution_? I thought you might get a kick out of that.